Punch-Drunk Love review
A unique film about an individual with some psychological problems. I love the themes this movie crosses, and this is probably Adam Sandler's best role ever.
Saving Private Ryan review
Great war film with amazing visuals, and cinematography. The strengths of this film lies with its breathtaking action sequences...and nothing more. Not as deep as The Thin Red Line.
Shakespeare in Love review
Beautiful love story, and loosely based on the life of William Shakespeare. I love the cast in this film, and so happy this one won Best Picture over Saving Private Ryan. Screw that movie!
Insomnia review
An amazing Christopher Nolan film that takes you to Alaska's unique setting as if you're living it. The atmosphere's really involved.
Magnolia (1999) review
This is an unforgettable film that has a lot of things going for it leading to an unexpected climax never seen before.
Babel (2006) review
Amazingly powerful movie filled with multiple themes and cultures crossed due to its multi-story narrative structure.
Ghostbusters review
Smart, classic comedy with amazing visuals. This film aged well with its level of relevence, and super sarcastic humor.
Slumdog Millionaire review
Exciting, feel-good film that paces well with exciting scenes. So, this is a taste of Bollywood? Interesting. Love the soundtrack!
Edward Scissorhands review
Touching movie. One of Tim Burton's most magically bizarre environments filled with the strangest you could ask for a community.
Happy Gilmore review
This movie is funny as hell! One of Adam Sandler's best comedies. Lots of amazing moments that makes me want to laugh like crazy.