Susana review
Brilliant, controversial film that deals with an attractive woman breaking a family's connection. From acclaimed surrealist director Luis Bunuel.
The Celebration (1998) review
After watching this film, I left with a really awkward feeling that what I saw is going to stick with me for days. One of the most unique experiences I ever had.
The World of Apu review
Brilliant film on poverty. This film talks about Indian culture's religion, marriage, and a man's struggle with family.
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) review
Wow! What a controversial film. I find it quite enlightening, and very spiritual. Most likely my favorite film based on Jesus Christ.
The Circle review
After seeing this bold and brilliant narrative film, I need to see more from Jafar Panahi. He's a brilliant director with connecting characters with scenes.
The 400 Blows review
Very classic French film. Message is very deep. It's one of the most must-see movies of all time. Ah, Children.
What Have I Done to Deserve This? review
Very funny, bold, and stylized film from Spain. Filled with controversial material with a great deal of depth.
The Raven review
The French genre of film noir is present here. Amazing!! This will definitely fill the appetite of those interested in such filmmaking styles.
The Matrix review
Absolutely mindblowing sci-fi material. Makes me want it to become a reality. Amazing technical visuals with solid pacing.
The Killing review
I like this early work of Stanley Kubrick. Very good story that is structured well with interesting characters.